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Resources for Highly Sensitive People


Twenty percent of the population are 'ESP'. Growing up as one, I had no idea what was wrong with me. I processed everything so deeply, and felt so much deeper than other people in my class and in my family. I literally would cry after watching a Hallmark commerical- or start bawling because someone looked at me funny. Of course, it would be resonable to fathome that the highly sensitive person is going to have issues with bullying, as some point. Due to the fact, that they are picking up other people' emotions and thoughts, which are not there own. They won't be able to defend themselves, because they have no clue whats going on. 


 An ESP has amplified senses, that many people will not understand. They will have trouble being in crowded places such as Hockey Arenas and large cities. Yes New York.. would not be wise. There may be issues with over-sensitivity to medications, smells, and areas with heavy emotional histories.  We are generally more plagued with various immunological illnesses.


Eventually, the emotional charges, (for some)become unmanageable. So much so- that many will turn to alcoholism, drugs, or complete isolation. If you choose to make healthier choices, as I did, You will likely end up on the alternative medicine path.




1) Learn to identify your experience and the emotion behind it without labeling or judging (creating and attaching to thought forms) and flow with it rather than resisting. This creates greater flow and eases discomfort and dis-ease. Resistance causes MORE discomfort. Energetically you should be acknowledging, “Facing”, and allowing…. so the emotion passes through you and you release it rather than hold it.



2) Remember that emotions and their corresponding thoughts and beliefs which in turn either keeps the cycle going or offers you the opportunity for transcendence. Thoughts + emotion = belief system, which creates a cascade of involuntary re-activity.


3) When you feel a negative emotion take a slow breath in to the count of 4, hold for a count of 4, then exhale through your mouth slowly… counts of 4, do this 3 times. Then acknowledge the feeling, allow it, let it pass through you. This can take a moment or much longer, just let it be…. offer no resistance. If you are in an environment where you can’t do this (work/public setting) you can use discreet tapping. Let you arms fall to your side a tap your outer thigh this will temporarily redirect your focus. Later when you are in a place where you can process the emotion, follow the above steps.




Pain will keep you stuck, if you don’t allow it pass through you in a loving, non judgmental way. Society teaches us to reject pain, and not to embrace it. We are supposed to shuck it away, in this way we create physical illnesses. Louise Hay based her life’s work off all these principles. 


It is because of the pain and suffering that we, as ESP's seek relief, understanding, and the path to freedom. That is why and where you begin the journey from highly sensitive to highly aware person..


I have recently leaned that ESP's make up approximately 20 percent of the population. And yes, it tends to run in families.


8 Ways to Soothe Your Soul:

  1. Beautiful Music 


2. Meditating/Mindfulness in an area or room/car/space etc.


3. Remove the clutter 


A cluttered house leads to a cluttered mind - isn't that the old saying? Leaving things around to trip over on, books, washing, paperwork, toys can tend to trap negative energy within it and your house/car/business.  Time to pick it up, spring clean, autumn clean, winter clean and summer clean if you have too, to make sure your space is free of obstacles and freeing your home etc allowing the flow of positive, uplifting energy to take over once again.  Remove anything you no longer need, give it to charity, clean those garages, keep your coffee tables and night stands clear of obstruction. If the 'stuff' is not there then it leaves nothing of the negative energy to cling too.


4. Have fun and create change

Change the furniture around to allow the house to breathe and clean up the flow of energy that way.  Again using the Chinese as a good example and their fantastic practice of using Feng Shui to get the energy flowing for you again. 


5. Sage Cleansing (smudging).

Smudging is a fantastic and easy (although a little smelly) way to remove negative energies.  Even if you have a super happy household, negative energies can enter our homes in many different ways.  Such as when you first move into the house and the energy of tenants previous is left inside. It may come in on friends and family that have entered your space, from restaurants, your children's friends, antiques, library books, grocery items brought home from the store (just think about how many times you handle that food before it makes it into your pantry, now think about how many hands have touched it from production, through to packaging, transport, the people who have used the shopping cart before you, the cashier and the list goes on. It's important to cleanse your spaces often just for some of the reasons above, although not life-threatening over time you may start to see a change in your family/work dynamics.  I have seen it first hand what a good smudging can do for the benefit of my children's moods, the difference especially on the first one, was dramatic, no more nightmares, peaceful sleeping routines and in general a happy household.


6. Shake, rattle, and roll!


Grab out all your pots and pans with a couple of wooden spoons or whatever safe utensil you happen to have and let your kids go to town creating a song for each room of the house.  Show me where the children are that don't love to get involved? And what kids don't like to make noise?


7. Add some plants
It amazes me the amount of times i walk into the home to find no plants anymore.  Our houses used to be filled with them and yet you are lucky to see one these days.  Plants not only add color to a space, they also bring oxygen, life, nurturing aspects of ourselves and positive energy to any space they are put into.  



















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